Friday 9 May 2008

Smack Blogs v Get a Flippin Grip on Yourself!

I have just spent an hour blog hopping through some friends blogs from overseas that I haven't visited for a while...and I have to say I am disturbed by some of the negativeness going on about fellow scrappers...just for pushing themself in the field! I mean, what is wrong with wanting to share your ideas, layouts, projects, talents? I've said this before and I'll say it again, if more people believed in themselves and less people put them down for it then scrapbooking would stay as it is intended to be, a chosen hobby and/or career.
I cant say this whole thing hasn't attributed to my own confidence, it most definitely has, but as I am getting A LOT of scrap attention in the real world that is very positive I am in no hurry to join in the cyber life and risk my growning good reputation. I know many of the people I teach read this blog, as do some of the kids and I do not want the kids to be afraid to build their talents and confidence and be put off by pathetic (seeming) jealousies and shy away from a wonderful, fulfilling hobby that not only gives them self worth but keeps them off the streets, helps them understand who they are, where they are going and all other such wonderful stuff. All this smack blogging is silly, its unneccesary and its a hypocrosy to those same people who claim to teach their children morals and good behaviour, so how can they then go and say what they say, annonymously at that?!! Sheesh I tell ya, it is totally unbelievable.

I am so grateful that my natural inclination is to praise first. If I dont like something I dont go public on it, its just down to my personal likes and dislikes, i'm sure there are people that dont like some of what I do either, and thats ok, the world is big enough to hold a whole range of styles, tastes and talents but its not big enough for yet another method of bitchfesting! Get with it I say!!

I'm not going to apologise for this rant, I feel very strongly about it, however I do not have any one person in mind when I think about it, its made up from many negative postings by a variety of people who I would not have thought would say such things much less publically! But, freedom of speech and all that, I guess its a growing trend in the scrapbooking world to be so bitchy about other people, and not only their work but them and their families too. This immediately brings to mind about the statement that our former Prophet, President Gordon B Hinckley said about families being under attack in our societies, if only he knew about comparatively small communities in the scrapbooking world, i'm confident he would have done the shock, horror gasp thing at its pettiness! Go figure!

So, I figured, as i'm in the process of working on a Design Team, maybe I should work on it being a Bitch Fest Design Team? Solely because I know it would get immediate and wildfire coverage on all the main forums, in all the popular blogs and therefore I would get FREE advertising and broader scope of publication!!! LMAO Oh boy, how sad is that?

My small but significant self would rather have the small life, low profile style if it means I work and play with decent, fun, imperfect scrappers enjoying their chosen hobby and wanting to make friends and enjoy others individuality in their lives, on and offline. To heck with fame, to heck with popularity and to heck with people who choose not to enjoy what they are doing and bitch about others. Give me the life I have any day, because I sleep at night knowing I have talked, emailed, commented and text with some darned good people doing the best they can and doing their bit to make the (scrapbooking) world a better place, and shame on those that drag it down.

On the off chance I get negative comments here, I shall NOT be deleting them. I am strong enough to have courage for my smack away if its what your little heart desires...I know who I am, I like who I am and I am proud to stand up for what I belive is right! :)

Now to check over a project i've made...that i'm PROUD of!!! :D


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